Monday, 26 September 2016

World Environment Day (WED)

 In 1972 on the 15th of December the general assembly of the United Nations Organization announced the 5th of June the World Environment Day (WED) which is dedicated to pay attention to the environment around the world. This day was chosen because in 1972 on the 5th of June the United Nation Organization held their first conference in which it was discussed the problems of environment and later the protection programme was created. Our Gymnasium also held the event for this day. The students from 5th and 11th grades drew the illustrations by the theme “Save the Baltic sea” in the school’s stadium guided by the art teacher Dalia Jovašienė and technologies teacher Ričardas Fabijūnas. This is the event of the Erasmus+ project “Live naturally, live healthy” which is dedicated to the World Environment Day (WED).